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Studies show that gut dysbiosis or imbalance of our gut bacteria can contribute to long term health problems like IBS/IBD, diabetes, autoimmune, weight gain and many more.

It is important to know what strains of good and bad bacteria reside in our gut and it is vital to establish if there are any pathogenic (bad) bacteria that could be causing painful gastrointestinal symptoms. Then there is yeast, fungus and digestive function and the list goes on! But honestly, it is a list that should be at the top of your list when it comes to your overall health.

Have you ever heard of leaky gut or intestinal permeability? My friends laugh at me when I talk about it but I can guarantee that I will be having the last laugh.. Leaky gut is the name given to a condition that results in the breakdown of our gastrointestinal barrier. When the barrier gets breached from stress, smoking, medications, viruses and other factors it can allow pathogens and undigested food particles or proteins to get into our blood stream where they should not be. If this happens our immune system sends out a distress signal and calls in the army to fight them off. This creates havoc and inflammation and ultimately pain and destruction in our joints and other tissues.

People often perceive pain to be from old age, arthritis and previous injuries but it can simply be from an aggressive immune inflammatory response. Inflammation in the gut can ultimately end up with inflammation in the brain.

The main way to support the gut is by eating a wide variety of different plant fibres. This supports the production of food for the good bacteria and protects the barrier function.

If you find it difficult to digest vegetables you will need to address the underlying cause of this problem first before you can reach your goal of feeling great with endless energy.

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