Skin conditions are a sign that something is not functioning as it should be inside our body.
Skin conditions are very common and approximately 80% of people have acne at some stage in their life.
Other common skin conditions can include psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, hives, and more. These conditions show themselves on the outside but they are often a sign that something is not right on the inside. This is commonly an imbalance in the microbiome (bacteria in the gut) more often than not an overgrowth of bad bacteria.
What kind of things can have an impact on our skin?
This can be a result of external causes, such as irritating soaps, or internal causes, such as food intolerances, dysbiosis (imbalance in the good and bad bacteria in the gut), poor diet, alcohol or stress.
Our gut and skin both have their own microbiome. We need these microbiomes to be healthy and full of diversity, so they can protect us against microorganisms that can harm us. If the microbiome gets out of balance it can lead to dysbiosis and skin conditions.
Oxidative stress
The skin is our first line of defense against foreign invaders such as pollution or UV radiation. A poor diet can also contribute to oxidative stress which in turn causes damage to the cells and ultimately the skin.
Blood-sugar imbalance
Eating excess sugar can make our skin oilier and more acne-prone. It can also speed up the ageing process and cause weight gain, stress and skin conditions.
Nutritional deficiencies
Not eating enough nutrients or healthy foods can affect our skin over time. It can also be a sign that we’re not digesting our food properly.
Hormonal imbalances
Some hormones play a role in the health of our skin. If we have too much or too little of one hormone, it can start a knock-on effect that shows up in our skin.
What are the causes of diarrhoea and what is it?
Diarrhoea is an unpleasant and annoying symptom commonly caused by a
digestive issue. Normally we should pass a stool 2-3 times per day that should be solid and
easy to pass. When you have diarrhoea stools are loose and watery. This can prevent you from absorbing vital nutrients.
What are some of the most common causes of diarrhoea?
SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
SIBO is a condition in which bacteria from the large intestine migrate to the small intestine. There they can cause irritation and other unpleasant gut symptoms. including acid reflux, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence and many more. 70-80% of IBS is known to be SIBO.
Food sensitivities & food poisoning
These are known contributors to diarrhoea. If your body doesn’t like something, it will try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is where the cell wall of the gut opens up and lets food proteins into the bloodstream and an immune reaction is created which can lead to food sensitivities, pain, inflammation, skin conditions, autoimmune conditions and so many more.
Chronic stress
Too much of the stress hormone cortisol is released during times of stress and this disturbs the digestive system. It is a known contributor to symptoms of IBS, diarrhoea, weight gain, weight loss, leaky gut, hormone imbalances, etc.
Parasites or infections
Parasites can attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine, affecting nutrient absorption and causing diarrhoea. They can also be a trigger for autoimmune diseases, leaky gut, anaemia, etc.
Low stomach acid
Without enough stomach acid, food cannot be broken down properly. This can lead to SIBO, diarrhoea and malabsorption. It can also lead to an overgrowth of H. Pylori which burrows into the stomach lining and prevents stomach acid release which can also lead to B12, Iron and mineral deficiencies.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
IBD is also known as Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis, which are autoimmune inflammatory diseases of the intestines. They often cause diarrhoea and weight loss.
Too much caffeine
This can act as a prokinetic, meaning it makes food move through the digestive system too quickly which can cause diarrhoea.
Too much alcohol
Alcohol irritates the digestive tract, affecting its function and contributing to diarrhoea.
This is a condition in which you have too much thyroid hormone available. It causes everything to speed up, leading to diarrhoea. Hyperthyroidism is also known as Graves disease.
Constipation is an uncomfortable condition that makes passing a stool difficult and painful. This can really affect your mood and long term health. Ideally, we should pass a stool 2-3 times per day. If we are unable to pass a stool this can lead to toxic build-up in the body and the recirculation of waste hormones.
What are some of the causes of constipation?
Small intestine bacterial overgrowth can produce methane gas that leads to constipation. Dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance) can also influence constipation.
Chronic stress
Too much of the stress hormone, cortisol, can disturb the digestive system and contribute to constipation.
Low water intake
If your body is dehydrated, it will take water from your large intestine (colon). This can make your poop dry and difficult to pass.
Low fibre intake
Fibre bulks up the stool. Too little fibre can mean your poop is insufficiently formed, resulting in a slow transit time and constipation.
This is a condition in which you don’t have enough thyroid hormone available. This slows everything down, contributing to constipation.
Neuromuscular issues
Your intestines move poop through and out of your body via a series of signals that involve your nerves and hormones. If your nerves aren’t working properly, constipation can result.
More than 8 million people suffer from anxiety in the UK. It can present itself in different ways such as nervousness, worry, irritability, sleep disturbance, fear, apprehension, weight loss and many more.
We all suffer from anxiety at some stage in our lives but when it becomes long standing it can be a sign that something is out of balance in the body. Many things can cause anxiety, lets take a look at some of the most common ones:
Leaky gut
Having leaky gut or intestinal permeability enables bacteria and undigested food proteins to leak into your bloodstream. The result is our own immune system reaction that causes inflammation and can leave you feeling anxious.
Too much caffeine
Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that increases your stress hormones and can leave you feeling anxious.
Eating too much sugar
This can cause a blood sugar high and then a crash that can contribute to anxiety.
Food intolerances
Food intolerances can cause inflammation in your gut, leading to anxiety via the gut-brain axis.
Bacterial imbalance or dysbiosis
Our gut bacteria constantly talk to our brain, and can profoundly affect our mood if they are out of balance, also known as dysbiosis, this can cause anxiety and depression.
This is a condition in which you have too much thyroid hormone in your body. It can cause everything to speed up, making you feel anxious and jittery.
Bloating can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Your stomach can expand after eating certain foods or it can often be there all the time.
There are many reasons for bloating, here are some of the most common ones we see in practice
Eating too quickly
If we eat too quickly and do not chew the food properly then pieces of food can put stress on the digestive system, leading to bloating and inflammation.
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth means more bacteria are consuming and fermenting the carbohydrates in our food. They release gas as a byproduct causing bloating.
Leaky gut
Intestinal hyperpermeability or leaky gut can lead to maldigestion and inflammation, both of which contribute to bloating.
Chronic stress
The stress hormone, cortisol, disturbs the digestive system and contributes to bloating.
Food sensitivities
Bloating is frequently associated with sensitivities to a certain food or food group.
Low stomach acid
Without enough stomach acid, food cannot be broken down properly. This can result in bloating and indigestion.